The home of the movement to replace Christmas with Marxmas

About is the home of the Movement for Marxmas. Our goal is to inspire a worldwide proletarian revolution to overthrow the existing capitalist order, bring into reality the much overdue historical epoch of communism, and, most importantly, replace Christmas with Marxmas. If such a proletarian revolution isn't immediately feasible however, we would nevertheless still like Christmas to be replaced with Marxmas.

Every day in our world should be one just like the idealized Christmas: one of giving, one of kindness, one of social envelopment and mutual obligation. One in which we are able to forever escape our lonesome isolation, forget the myriad ways this capitalist world has left us impoverished, and revel in the company and companionship of our comrades and our communities.

Also, it should be one in which we are freely compelled to worship our one true lord and savior, Karl Marx.

If such a world can't be so, then minimally, as a transitional demand, that one day of the year known as Christmas should be replaced with Marxmas - a truly prefigurative celebration of a world yet to be.

It was through the actions of a few comrades in Christiana, Denmark, that the first spark that now burns as an inferno in all Marxmasist's hearts was ignited. Thus, it seems only appropriate that we leave you with a description of their efforts, from David Graeber’s Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology:

"...the threat of that man with the stick permeates our world at every moment; most of us have given up even thinking of crossing the innumerable lines and barriers he creates, just so we don’t have to remind ourselves of his existence. If you see a hungry woman standing several yards away from a huge pile of food — a daily occurrence for most of us who live in cities — there is a reason you can’t just take some and give it to her. A man with a big stick will come and very likely hit you. Anarchists, in contrast, have always delighted in reminding us of him. Residents of the squatter community of Christiana, Denmark, for example, have a Christmastide ritual where they dress in Santa suits, take toys from department stores and distribute them to children on the street, partly just so everyone can relish the images of the cops beating down Santa and snatching the toys back from crying children."

(Please note: some have claimed that because only focuses on Christmas it therefore must be a white, Anglocentric campaign aimed at embracing Western hegemony and dominance whilst providing left cover to the continued racist colonizing of internet spaces. Don't be fooled. This is a classic example of capitalist slander aimed at dividing our movement, atomizing us as individuals and fractionating our collective power. We unashamedly stand with our sisters and brothers across the world and their struggles to replace Hanukkah with HanuFreeGaza and Ramadan with Rama-damn Communism that's a good idea.)