The home of the movement to replace Christmas with Marxmas

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Welcome to the best website on the capitalist internet

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Image by Emercado2020 (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Welcome to, the home of the movement to replace Christmas with Marxmas. went live on the 5th of May, 2021, the 203rd anniversary of the birth of our patron saint, Karl Marx. The website was founded, obviously, to promote the joyous cause of Marxmas, a prefigurative celebration of a world yet to be.

Hopefully, one day, this website will be remembered nostalgically as the genesis of a change, however small, in this deplorable world. Maybe as the first step to the eventual embrace of a full Marxist program of world revolution by leftist parties across the world after succumbing to popular demands for uncritical and unconditional support for Marxmas. Maybe you will remember it as the first step in eventually having to come out as a far-leftist to your family. Or maybe this is just the beginning of a brutal wave of repression of left-wing voices on the internet by the pro-Christmas lobby.

Only time will tell.

In the interim, please share this website with as many people as you can to help spread the word far and wide about our revolutionary Movement for Marxmas. And whilst you're here, take some time to make the pledge, buy the merch (all profits go to a worthy cause), read our articles, and get in touch!